Teaching Faculty

Dr Marion Andrew
Marion is a Senior Consultant Anaesthetist at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Royal Adelaide Hospital. She receives regular invitations to speak at anaesthesia conferences and has developed a special interest in communication and hypnosis. She is a trainer in the Process Communication Model (PCM), and author of several scientific articles and an editor of the Handbook of communication in anaesthesia and critical care published in 2010 by Oxford University Press.  She is one of Australia’s leading experts on managing well-being of anaesthetists. Her gentle approach with both colleagues and patients when providing anaesthesia care and clinical hypnosis is universally respected and highly valued.

Dr Simon Andrews
Simon Andrews is the Principal Psychologist at OK Psychology. He holds a Masters Degree in Psychology. He is a registered psychologist (1996), a Member of the Clinical College of the Australian Psychological Society and South Australian Society of Hypnosis. Simon has been using hypnotherapy with children and adolescents since he completed his training with SASH in 1997.

Tony De Blasio
Tony is a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience in using clinical hypnosis. He is South Australia’s leading expert and proponent on the use of the affect bridge in hypnotherapy. His easy going and natural teaching style makes his presentations a delight with numerous insights in how and why implementing the affect bridge into clinical practice can be such an effective strategy.

Paula Bonney
In a previous life, Paula had 20 years’ experience as both a classroom teacher and later, high-school chaplain. Paula graduated in Psychology at the University of Adelaide and subsequently gained a Masters in Clinical Psychology. She joined Child and Family Health Services (CaFHS) providing parent-child relationship-enhancing psychotherapy informed by Attachment Theory. She is currently in private practice with Integra Psychological Services as a Clinical Psychologist with over 15 years’ experience in that field. Paula’s diverse practice includes CBT, ACT, DBT, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Attachment Theory based parent-child and couple interventions, Psychodrama, Mindfulness and Mentalization Based Interventions. She completed the Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis in 2014 and was awarded the inaugural Graham Wicks Prize for 2014 as the best performing graduate for the Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis in South Australia.  Paula currently uses clinical hypnosis on a regular basis to good effect, as a therapeutic adjunct in her clinical practice.

Adrian Booth
Adrian has a background in clinical psychology and has more than 20 years’ experience in that field. He currently works four days per week as Facilitator/Educator at the SA Mental Health Training Centre providing courses with a focus on positive psychology, building resilience and promoting collaborative practices. Adrian works one day per week at the O’Brien Street Medical Practice as a Clinical Psychologist.  Adrian’s clinical interests include working therapeutically with people who experience depression and anxiety and the application of psychological approaches including hypnosis. Adrian has a Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis through the Australian Society of Hypnosis and is immediate past president of the South Australian Society of Hypnosis.

Jane Boroky
Jane is one of our most respected presenters and has taught hypnosis for over two decades presenting in the SASH course for the last few years. She is a general dentist currently working part time in private practice, and part time as a clinical tutor with the University of Adelaide in the School of Dentistry. She provides clinical supervision for 4th and 5th year dental students in the areas of Oral diagnosis and General Dental Practice. She uses hypnosis deliberately in her practice for anxiety control, anaesthesia, treatment of phobias, fears and habits. Jane also uses hypnosis in terms of reframing, setting the atmosphere, and use of hypnotic language.

Dr Mary Cossich
Dr Mary Cossich is a specialist paediatric palliative care physician. She has an interest in paediatric chronic pain and in the holistic management of medical complexity in paediatrics. Mary utilises direct and indirect hypnosis approaches in her work with children and families and integrates this into an interdisciplinary model of care. Mary believes that compassion is central to good health care and that we can utilise the skills of hypnosis in being fully present with our clients, seeking to understand and utilise their experiences and in working therapeutically with our colleagues, children and families to provide the best care possible.

Dr Allan M Cyna
Allan is a Senior Consultant Anaesthetist at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide. He is the Director of Studies (DoS) for the South Australian Society of Hypnosis (SASH) since 2015 and has developed a special interest in communication and hypnosis as an adjunct to enhance anaesthesia care. He is a past President of the Australian Society of Hypnosis and his PhD in Medicine focussed on the clinical effects of hypnosis on pain.  He is chief editor of the Handbook of communication in anaesthesia and critical care published in 2010 by Oxford University Press and was the inaugural Chair of the Communication in Anaesthesia Special Interest Group for the College and Associations of Anaesthetists in Australia and New Zealand.

Dr Michael Goldblatt
Mike works half time as a staff specialist anaesthetist at Flinders Medical Centre and half time in private practice with Stace Anaesthetic Services. He has trained with some of the world’s leading hypnotherapists and has become a strong advocate for the use of clinical hypnosis both within and outside anaesthesia clinical practice. Mike has a thriving hypnotherapy private practice (Glo Hypnosis) and has developed some extraordinary clinical hypnosis skills.  He is a valued member of the SASH Education sub-committee and an enthusiastic and accomplished presenter.

Kym Harris
Kym Harris is a psychologist / hypnotherapist who has worked in private practice since 1976. Hypnotherapy is the mainstay of his practice. He has continuous membership of the organization through SAAH, then ASH when he completed that training course in 1995, and later, when the two merged to become SASH. He was Course Coordinator (for SAAH 1984 – 85) and lecturer / tutor for both organisations. He was nominated reviewer for accreditation through VETAB, of the syllabus for the Academy of Applied Hypnosis (Sydney).

Joseph Hinora
Joseph Hinora is a registered psychologist of many years standing in private practice. He has an interest in both clinical and performance related aspects of hypnosis and is a Past President of the Australian Society of Hypnosis SA Branch. For many years Joseph’s teaching of our students have been consistently well received reflecting his extensive experience in the field. He has also acted as a supervisor for the post graduate program. At a clinical level Joseph is interested in the use of hypnosis, in the management of pain, working through trauma, as an ego-strengthening mechanism to support individuals with other forms of psychological intervention. Joseph also works with high performing individuals.

Cormac Fahy
Cormac is a highly respected senior paediatric anaesthetist and Unit Head of the paediatric anaesthesia service at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. He is an accomplished hypnotherapist and researcher and receives enthusiastic feedback from our past course participants who have benefited from his teachings.

Dr Nicki Ferencz
Dr Nicki Ferencz is the Unit Head of the Paediatric Chronic Pain Service at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. She is a member of the Steering Committee for South Australia’s State wide Chronic Pain Clinical Network and is a strong advocate for the provision of better support for adolescents and families who manage chronic pain. Nicki is a clinical psychologist who has worked for many years in both community and tertiary settings both in Australia and the UK. In addition to teaching on the SASH course Nicki is a member of the SASH Education Sub Committee and also a Senior Lecturer at Adelaide University. She collaborates in a number of research projects and is currently involved in the development of the Internationally established Comfort Ability Program for the better management of adolescent chronic pain here in Australia. Nicki’s interests in hypnosis are with its application to better managing pain and in how adolescents and families can benefit from their use of self-hypnosis to improve mental health, function and wellbeing.

Carl Hattingh
Carl Hattingh (Callie) is the President of the Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (AICHP).  He is an AHPRA registered Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Sydney and the Director of the Ericksonian Institute of Sydney Australia (EISA).  He received the Fuma award in 2016 for his contribution to Promoting Clinical Hypnosis and Psychotherapy in South Africa.  He is a previous director of the Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa (MEISA), past President Elect of the Milton H. Erickson Society of South Africa and Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Cape Town South Africa (MECSA).  He has been a trainer in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychotherapy since 2000 and has organised various congresses and trainings on clinical hypnosis, trauma and psychotherapy.  He is a registered supervisor and trainer with Ego State Therapy International (ESTI) and a registered Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP).  He has been a keynote speaker and faculty member at both national and international congresses.  Callie’s previous presentations on hypnotherapeutic approaches are frequently considered by many of his students and colleagues to be one of the highlights of our training course.

Lindsay Harrington
Lindsay is a midwife of over 30 years with a wealth of experience in clinical hypnosis in pregnancy and childbirth. She is currently our Director of Examinations for SASH

Christine Holliday
Christine has been a Midwife for 25 years providing care to women over the full continuum of Midwifery practice. This includes working in the Birthing Centre at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Midwifery Group Practice Models of Care. Christine is co director of studies of the South Australian Society of Hypnosis training course and a highly valued and experienced member of our education sub-committee.

Dr Cate Howell
Dr Cate Howell is a medical practitioner, researcher, lecturer and author with over 30 years of training and experience in health care specialising in mental health. Cate has been involved in hypnosis training programs to medical practitioners and mental health professionals across Australia and New Zealand.  Dr Howell is a Bachelor in Applied Science (Occupational Therapy), a Masters in Health Service Management and has a PhD in Medicine researching the prevention of relapse in depression. Apart from her Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis, Cate has trained in Couples Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Interpersonal Therapy, Life Coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). She is a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Adelaide, and Medical Education Coordinator to the Outback GP Training Program. Cate has three books published (on depression, on stress and anxiety with Dr Michele Murphy, and the latest on Intuition). Cate has received the Mary Black Prize in Psychiatry, the Harley Brindal Prize during Hypnotherapy training, a Conspicuous Service Medal (RAAF 1992). In 2000 she received a Churchill Fellowship to study the assessment and management of anxiety and depression in primary care and in 2012 was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for services to medicine.

Fred (Ken) Jureidini
Fred in a previous life was a Senior Consultant Renal Physician at Women’s and Children’s Hospital. He now practices and teaches a range of conditions – primarily on the application of clinical hypnosis with children.

Sabrina Kuah
Sabrina Kuah is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician who cares for women in the public and private system at Women’s and Children’s Hospital. She uses hypnotherapy in her daily clinical work and especially enjoys the individuality and creativity of working with women through their antenatal journey. Her depth of experience utilising hypnotherapy in the delivery suite and operating theatre has been welcomed by many women and their families and valued by midwifery and medical colleagues. Her passion for supporting women on the delivery suite has informed her intrapartum research. She is part of the Australian Caring for Women in Labour group of midwives, doctors and women exploring ways in which we can focus on women’s choices and shared decision making with an aim to improve a woman’s journey and delivery. Clinical Hypnosis can be a valuable part of this journey.

Dr Rob Laing
Rob is a Senior Consultant paediatric Anaesthetist at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and works with Pulse Anaesthetics in Adelaide. He has a mixed paediatric and adult anaesthetic practice with broad clinical interests. More recently he has developed advanced skills in using both awake suggestion and formal hypnosis to manage peri-operative issues including anxiety, needle phobia and pain.  He has a passion for learning, teaching and practicing hypnosis.

Dr Ayesha Mohamed
Dr Mohamed is a Senior Consultant Geriatrician and Deputy Director of the Department of Geriatrics Royal Adelaide Hospital. Dr Mohamed utilises hypnosis to enhance her already high level communication skills. She is a popular teacher and supervisor of SASH students and has taken on the demanding role of Honorary Treasurer of the Society.

Catherine Mahoney
Catherine is a social worker with many years’ experience and was one of our leading students in the 2014 Diploma course. Since completing her training, she has begun using hypnosis with managing sexuality problems. More recently she is developing her hypnotherapy skills in the management of anxiety, trauma, drug addiction and eating disorders Catherine’s expertise in managing patients with sexual dysfunction has led to her giving an outstanding presentation on this topic as part of our teaching faculty during the 2015 Diploma course.

Dr Johanna Saltis
Johanna has a PhD in Neuroscience, a Masters in Clinical Psychology and Diploma in Clinical Hypnosis (Australian Society of Hypnosis). She has taught at UNSW, Adelaide University, Flinders University and most recently UniSA, where she was Psychology Clinic Coordinator (2016). She has published in the field of Hypnosis, Clinical Psychology and neuroplasticity. She is Senior Clinical Psychologist at Western Older Persons Mental Health Team. She is particularly interested in the application of positive psychology approaches to managing pain, complex grief and self-harm behaviours. She also enjoys lecturing on how neuroscience can inform our clinical practice. She has supervised Clinical Psychology Masters students, demonstrating how hypnosis can augment CBT and mindful practices.  Johanna is currently the Chair of the Research subcommittee of the South Australian Society of Hypnosis.

Dr Norman Shum
Graduating in psychology, zoology and philosophy, Norman went on to qualify in medicine and practice psychological medicine and psychiatry. He came to Adelaide, South Australia, and completed his psychiatry specialist training in1979. Norman spent nine years in the public Mental Health sector, the last two years as a staff specialist while taking further training in the Child Adolescent and Family Health Service. He went into private practice in 1983. Norman’s interest in hypnosis began as a schoolboy and 35 years later he had the opportunity to undertake an introductory hypnosis course in the Dept. of Psychology, Flinders University. Norman completed the ASH training under the Directorship of Dr Graham Wicks in 1989. He was invited to lecture to his fellow hypnosis class mates on psychiatric topics and after the diploma served on the ASH committee including a period as the Chairman. Beginning in 2000, Norman became the ASH Director of Studies and continued in this position until late 2006. He is a highly respected examiner for ASH.

Dr Sue Stefanovic
Sue is a Clinical Psychologist and hypnotherapist in private practice, who also teaches at UniSA. Sue has a strong interest in hypnosis, and is a member of the SASH Education Subcommittee, as well as the convenor of Case Book Meetings at SASH. Sue is particularly interested in the application of hypnosis in psychoneuroimmunology and cancer. She has conducted workshops and written journal articles on the application of hypnosis with cancer patients. Sue combines her interest in hypnosis with her interest in neuropsychotherapy, and is passionate about hypnosis applications in her clinical practice and teachings.

Pauline Suchting
Pauline Suchting (RM/RN) is a Registered Nurse/Midwife currently working at the Adelaide Women’s & Children’s Hospital in the Delivery Suite. She completed the SASH training program and uses hypnosis techniques regularly in her normal work space but not necessarily in a formal context. She enjoy helping current students on their journey through the training program

Dr Bob Wadsworth
Dr Bob Wadsworth is a retired Medical practitioner and elder statesman in the world of Clinical Hypnosis. Following his training with the Australian Society of Hypnosis, he practiced Analytical Hypnotherapy for 28 years bringing about meaningful change to many hundreds of patients. His expertise includes regressive work, treating the results of sexual abuse and unresolved grief. He also has wide experience in using hypnosis for childbirth. As a member of the Australian Society of Hypnosis, he has served for many years on the SASH Executive Committee and currently is a teacher, supervisor and mentor to our trainees on the ASH training course. Dr Wadsworth is the ‘go to’ person when experienced practitioners have challenging patients that require additional advice.

Dr Celia Whittle
Celia is a general practitioner in private practice, who has been pleasantly surprised how hypnosis has taken over her life. She is extremely well known for her hypnotherapy skills in Adelaide – particularly with pregnant women and children. She has taught communication skills at the University of Adelaide and has been a member and acclaimed trainer for the Australian Society of Hypnosis for over 20 years. Celia is our most recent past Chairperson of the Executive of the South Australian Society of Hypnosis.

Dr Graham R Wicks
Dr Graham Wicks was Director of Studies of the South Australian Branch of the Australian Society of Hypnosis from 1976 to 1996. He has lectured & taught workshops on medical hypnosis in Europe, the USA, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, the United Kingdom & throughout Australia over the past thirty years. Dr Wicks was Senior Visiting Medical Specialist in Hypnotherapy at the Women’s & Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia from 1990 to 2010 & is a Fellow & past Federal President of the Australian Society of Hypnosis.

Jacqueline Wiseman
Jacqueline is a clinical social worker who has integrated the use of hypnosis into her clinical practice. Her mentorship, support and supervision of our course participants during their hypnosis training journey has been universally valued by her students and colleagues alike.