SASH Course – FAQs

Expressions of interest for the SASH Clinical Hypnosis Course for 2022 are open.  For more information please
contact the Director of Studies


Will learning hypnosis help me in my practice?

Hypnosis is a valuable tool that will almost certainly enhance your practice. All of our presenters and researchers regularly use hypnosis in their professional practice and are experts and leaders in their field.

Who teaches on the SASH course?

Our multidisciplinary teaching faculty are primarily (but not limited to) psychologists, physicians, midwives & dentists. These practitioners include experts in teaching and research in the applications of hypnosis in clinical practice, particularly in the areas of pain and anxiety management. Many of our lecturers also teach and research at the University of Adelaide, UniSA, Flinders University and at national and international meetings related to their profession.

Why should I do the SASH course rather than another hypnosis course?

The South Australian Society of Hypnosis (SASH) Course is run by health professionals for health professionals. It has over 20 qualified and experienced clinicians and researchers on the Teaching Faculty, extensive and comprehensive online educational support.  The SASH course specifically caters for doctors, psychologists, dentists, midwives, nurses, allied health and paramedical practitioners registered with AHPRA. The SASH course offers teaching, the promotion of ethical hypnosis practice, and mentoring in hypnosis training that is provided by experienced clinicians and leading researchers in the applications of clinical hypnosis. The SASH course is the only hypnosis training in Australia where registration includes all expenses associated with the course including: the Hypnosis Introductory day; membership fees to SASH for 12 months; all examination and training costs and the Graduation dinner.

Who may enrol?

Registered health care professions recognised by the Australian government, including doctors of medicine, psychologists, dentists, nurses, physiotherapists, midwives, social workers (members of AASW), and counsellors (listed on the Australian Register of Counsellors and Psychotherapists).If you are undergoing supervision towards registration, and are thinking of doing the course, please discuss your options with the Director of Studies. We are currently accepting expressions of interest from eligible practitioners for the next SASH course.

Should I attend the Clinical Hypnosis introductory day?

If possible this is recommended. The introductory day is held in November at the Women’s and Children’s hospital and provides an opportunity to learn some clinical hypnosis basics and see if the course is potentially suitable for your needs. Several of our teaching faculty are available on the day to answer questions about hypnosis and the course. The Introductory day registration is complementary for those practitioners that have registered to participate in the SASH Clinical Hypnosis Course. This year’s Introductory day will be held in early November for those practitioners considering registering for the next course.

What are the fees & payment options?

Step One: Pay the course deposit of $500
This will confirm a place on the course for AHPRA registered eligible applicants

Step Two:  Option 1 – Early Bird Fee
Pay the early bird fee of $4,000 before 31 January of each year
(Total Course Fee: Deposit $500 + $4000 = $4,500)


Option 2 – Full Course Fee
Pay the full course fee of $4,450 after the 31 January of each year
(Total Course Fee: Deposit $500 + $4,450 = $4,950)

Please Note: All fees include GST

SASH Bank Details:
South Australian Society of Hypnosis
BSB:  805050
A/C No:  100025728
Reference: (Your Name/course)

Please email when you have made a transfer.

Course participants who have registered for the Clinical Hypnosis Course and have paid the deposit before
1st November receive complimentary registration to attend the Introductory Day in November at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

Please note: Course prices are subject to change.

What does the course registration fee include?

  • Face to face lectures and practical supervision over 13 course days – all on weekends
  • One hour supervision after each course day by external supervisors which includes practical and case discussion
  • Membership of the South Australian Society of Hypnosis (SASH) for the duration of the course
  • Access to the student and member sections on our website, including PowerPoint presentations, video downloads of hypnosis techniques and teaching sessions from previous courses.
  • Access to the SASH library
  • A copy of the Introduction to hypnosis and suggestion handbook of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
  • Fresh coffee and tea on registration each course day, lunch and light refreshments at morning and afternoon tea
  • Reduced fees for SASH events.
  • All examination, continuous assessments, training and graduation dinner costs for successful candidates
  • GST

I see there is teaching in specialist areas that don’t seem relevant to me, can I opt out of these?

It is strongly recommended that all course components are attended. Although some topics may seem irrelevant they frequently contain generic hypnosis principles that encompass readily adaptable ideas and hypnosis processes that can be used in a whole range of applications.

When are lectures held?

Lectures and practical sessions will be held over a total of 13 full days on Saturdays & Sundays, which is spread over the year (Feb to Nov).

Are there flexible course delivery options?

The first 4 days are an essential component in continuing the rest of the course. SASH recognises that trainees might miss the occasional session for a range of unavoidable reasons (illness, work and family commitments, etc.). A record of attendance is kept by the Education subcommittee of SASH and trainees are encouraged to proactively discuss any attendance difficulties with the Director of Studies.

Is there a syllabus?

Yes. SASH training follows the SASH syllabus. Teaching/tutoring on the course is provided by full members of SASH who are practitioners using hypnosis in their respective clinical fields, as well as by guest presenters.

Coming soon….

The minimum requirements for training are approximately 50 hours of lectures and 50 hours of practical experience, over a 12 month period.

In outline, what does the course cover?

Hypnosis: its theory, practice and application to, general psychology, clinical psychology, psychiatry, medical practice – including obstetrics, paediatrics, pain management, dentistry, clinical assessment of the patient/client, research and ethics.

Are there exams?

Competency is assessed by continuous assessment throughout the course plus:

  • Documentation of the use of hypnosis in 10 short case studies
  • Submission of 2 long case reports
  • A practical demonstration of hypnosis with a volunteer novice client/patient (Practical Assessment).
  • Viva (oral).

What is the first step in enrolling?

Please submit your application. Once your eligibility is verified and you have paid the $500 deposit this will confirm your place on the course providing the balance is received by the closing date (31st January for Early bird registration). Please note that the South Australian Society of Hypnosis annual membership fee is included in the course fee.

What if I have other questions?

For any queries related to the course and registrations please contact the Director of studies